The GOAL of the DEBT FREEDOM! Campaign is to eliminate our gymnasium mortgage debt at the end of our Provident Bank loan term, which is November 14, 2024.
This will hopefully enable the 2025 hire of a full-time young adults/family pastor, which has been identified as our top priority need for the future of the church.
The campaign runs from April 2023 through June 2024.

You can help us achieve this goal by:
- – A pledge to give weekly or monthly during the campaign period towards the goal OR
- – A pledge to give a lump-sum amount, in one or more donations, at some point(s) during the campaign OR
- – Simply donate to the DEBT FREEDOM! fund on our Giving page
You can learn more about the campaign by DOWNLOADING THE CAMPAIGN BROCHURE (which includes the pledge form).
You can also review the CAMPAIGN KICKOFF PRESENTATION from March 5, 2023, which provides detailed information on how to pledge and how to make donations.
Please pray about what God would have you give! The time to address this debt is NOW. We thank God ahead of time for your generous response.
Your campaign team: Jason Browning, Adrienne Austin, Ken Watson, Joe Reo, Harry Allex
Please contact any of us if you have questions.