The C.R.E.W.
Are you a christian that is ready, equipped and willing to SERVE? Our CREW consists of Ushers, Greeters, Security, Deacon on Duties and Parking teams. These teams of servant-hearted individuals are vital to our Sunday morning service and YOU could be part of it, too!
See Pastor Larry Imbro FMI
Praise & Worship Team
The Worship team is responsible for the worship portion of our Sunday morning services. Consider joining the Worship Team if you have been gifted by God as a singer or in playing a musical instrument. There is a mid-week practice. Rotating schedule.
Please contact Sarah Nelson if you would be interested in auditioning.
Hospitality Team
The Hospitality team assists at church events involving food service. This includes preparing the communion bread and juice, and refreshments during Sunday morning service and other special events. Open to women and men, teens and older. If you serve food, they will come!
Contact Aggie Hicks to get involved!
Audio/Visual Team
The Audio/Visual team is responsible for running the slide show, operating the sound mixer, and audio/video recording of the Sunday service and other special events. The audio/visual team has three areas:
Video Data Projection (VDP) – operates the computer controlling the slide projector.
Audio board mixer – operates the sound mixer board and stage lighting.
Video recording – operates the video camera for streaming.
Video Data Projection: Kathy Browning
Must be proficient in computer and PowerPoint usage. Rotating schedule.
Audio Board Mixer: Jack Hicks
Must have an ear for sound balance. Training will be provided. Rotating schedule.
Live Streaming Kathy Browning
Marketing Team
The Marketing Team is responsible for the internal + external promotion of the church and its activities, primarily through Facebook, Instagram, and the website. This ministry helps people develop mature relationships with Christ using digital platforms.
We can utilize anyone who can use a phone, computer or has any basic social media knowledge.
Finance Team
See Elder Jason Browning if you are interested in serving in this area.
Hands of Grace Ministry
The Hands of Grace ministry helps the church body with personal and/or emergency financial needs and education. Donations to this ministry are much appreciated!
See John Hall if you need assistance!