Men’s Ministry offers a wide variety of programs you can get plugged into from sports, fellowship events and weekly men’s Bible study!
The Men’s Group runs fellowship study series and events throughout the year.
WHEN: Monday evenings at 6:30pm for dinner followed by a study. Also watch the church bulletin or get on our email list for special fellowship events.
Once a year we have father-son and father-daughter camping events. Suitable for children about age five and up. The retreats are held at the Haycock Camping Ministries in PA.
The camping events run from Friday evening through Sunday late morning. Activities include: archery, rifles, ropes course, wall rock climbing, zip line, giant swing, go carts and much more! Sleeping is separate for the girls, in the lodge. It’s a great time for dad’s to bond with their sons and daughters. You can also come for just Saturday. WHEN: Father-son is usually held in April. Father-daughter is usually held in late September or early October. See the church bulletin around March and August for exact dates.
Our softball team belongs to a league where we play other local churches. You need to be a regular attender to join the team. The level of play is competitive, but not super-competitive (somewhat less than most town or industrial leagues).
You don’t need to be a superstar to play but it is definitely a competitive league. A short devotional is given after the game. It is “modified fast pitch” (pitching arm cannot go above the shoulder), not high-arc pitching. If you are unsure or your abilities come to the start of the season practices to get a feel for the level of play. Fans are very much appreciated to cheer us on! WHEN: The season starts in April and playoffs run through August. Games are on Monday evenings starting at 6pm. Some games are played under the lights at 8:10pm. Fields in South Amboy and Old Bridge are used.