Meet Our Staff

Dan Scanish Lead Pastor

Dan has been married to Missy for over twenty one years and has been a part of the staff of Sayre Woods Bible Church since January 2013. Dan has a passion for the Preaching of God’s Word in a Relevant and Practical way, and the Discipleship of Believers to equip them for purposeful ministry. As Lead Pastor, he works with the Elders to determine and work out our vision as a church. Missy is actively involved in leading the women’s ministry and Bible studies. Dan enjoys spending time with Missy and his three teenage children, Seth, Kaylee, and Jacob. He enjoys watching them participate in Football, Wrestling, Track and Field, Basketball, Marching Band, and Lacrosse. He also likes to run, workout, play golf, eat BBQ food, watch Action Movies and any type of sporting event. He was ordained in 2003 and completed his seminary education, earning a Master of Divinity degree from Cairn University in 2006. He looks forward to what God is doing and will do through the people of Sayre Woods Bible Church. Dan’s favorite Bible verse is Philippians 1:6.

Larry Imbro Discipleship Pastor

Larry has always considered himself as a “Religious” man. More good then bad, and better then that guy, so he felt he was doing pretty good. Until that day when the Holy Spirit shook him after hearing the Gospel for the first time. He heard and knew all the stories of the Bible, so he had a good head knowledge of who Jesus was and Who God was. But that night, after hearing about Kevin Mawae, a 6’ 4” 241 lbs. Center for the New York Jets, crieying about Jesus and how He saved his life, it changed his life as well LIFE. Larry knew he was a sinner in need of a Savior. Larry started the next day reading the Bible, going to a Men’s Group, serving in the Usher’s Ministry. A few years later, now he leads the Men’s Bible Study, Captain of the Usher’s Crew, over seen sees Nursing home Ministry, and learning as much as possible. Additionally, he became the Chaplain of Lost and Found Motor Cycle Ministry. After a couple of years at Sayre Woods Bible Church he became an Elder and went on to get his Associates Degree in Theology from Slidell Baptist Seminary. During that time in seminary, I was praying how the Lord could use me more. Pastor Dan and several other people approached him and said he should pursue getting ordained as a Pastor. During one of my classes, it was confirmed while reading about Gideon. Larry is now the Discipleship Pastor here at SWBC, over looking the Senior Saints, Men’s Ministry, The C.R.E.W. and the Christmas Drive Thru. All while being married to the most wonderful, Godly woman ever to grace the earth, he says. They have 6 Children and 3 Grandchildren. He believes if everyone all lived what it says in Philippians 2:2-4, the world would be a great place to live.

Ruth Imbro Administrative Assistant

Ruth is our Administrative Assistant and office manager. She is the wife of Larry, our Discipleship Pastor and is therefore “the most Godly woman ever to grace the earth” (according to Larry).

Kathy Browning Technical Assistant

Kathy has Bachelor and Master’s degrees in Computer Science from Washington University in St. Louis. She and her husband, Jason, along with their family, started coming to Sayre Woods in the fall of 2001. She began working part-time at Sayre Woods in 2005 on various computer related projects. Kathy enjoys keeping the church moving forward as far as software technology is concerned and is focused on the use of the Planning Center Suite of programs to help things run smoothly as we boldly proclaim the Gospel. She likes anything Jane Austen, working on word puzzles and playing with the grandchildren whenever possible. Her favorite verse is John 14:6, “Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father except through Me.’”

Sarah Fabio Worship Director

God gave Sarah the heart to serve in many ways. But one thing she is passionate about and finds importance in is music. Sarah grew up hearing and learning the Gospel and came to Christ at a young age. But never completely understood what it truly feels like to have a real relationship with God. And for years she struggled with her faith and accepting the truth about God’s love and His plan for her. God led Sarah to Sayrewoods Bible Church in 2017. She could never forget how God moved the first Sunday she visited. She walked out of church with hope knowing that God wanted her here. Sarah enjoys listening to music, making her own music, cooking, spending time with friends and family. Her favorite bible verse is Philippians 4:13- “I CAN do ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST which strengtheneth me”.

Allison Cooper Children's Ministry Director

“Impress them (the Scriptures) on your children” Deuteronomy 6:7. Allison has long served in our ROOTS Children's Ministry before joining the staff in her current leadership role. She is passionate about our children's programs including Sunday School, AWANA and Vacation Bible School. Growing up in these programs herself, Allison knows how important it is for children to learn at a level which is not only understandable but FUN to them. She strives to ensure each child feels welcome, safe, and happy in our ministry programs. In her free time, Allison enjoys cooking, baking, crafting, thrifting and spending time with friends and family.

Jarrett Lampkin Youth Ministry Director

Brother Jarrett, born twice, has been listed in the Lamb’s Book of Life for the past sixteen years. Under the prompting of the Holy Spirit, Jarrett has been gifted to teach both in the church and in the public school community. He is currently an employee of the Sayreville Middle School as a teacher for sixteen years. Brother Lampkin is a proud parent of Ziva Jane Lampkin and is a son to Jesse and Pearl Lampkin. Jarrett grew up in Lakewood, NJ. He has always been involved in community activities, clubs and sports. He played varsity basketball from his sophomore year to his senior year. Jarrett received a Bachelor’s degree at Montclair State University and two subsequent graduate degrees. The first from Saint Peters College, in Education with a concentration in Administration and Supervision. The second from Rutgers University in Math Education. Brother Jarrett enjoys working with young men and women, especially concerning Christian living, challenging biblical topics, and Christian apologetics. In addition, he has nineteen years of professional experience and training in group process and experiential learning. These skills are beneficial to student safety and are optimal for kid enjoyment and development. Jarrett is looking forward to partnering with godly men and women to make our Youth Group ministry successful.

Aggie Hicks Building Manager

God led Aggie to Sayre Woods in July of 1989 when her neighbor, who was the Pastor’s wife, introduced her to Jesus and invited her to bring her kids to Vacation Bible School. She came to bring her kids to VBS and never left. Aggie is recently married and has five children and three grandchildren. She’s served in almost every ministry in the church throughout the year but currently helps lead the Bread of Life and C.R.E.W. ministries in our church. Her prayer over SWBC is that God would heal the brokenhearted and lost to come here and find peace. That all who come to leave with a closer walk with the Lord and connection to someone here. That all the children who enter would realize that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life and that this truth would stay predominant in their lives and no just a phrase to be glazed over. It makes sense that one of her current favorite verses is “Jesus said to him “I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.” John 14:6. However, her life verse has always been Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.”